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11 Tips for Breast Pumping in the Car
Do you drive a lot for work? Are you often stuck running errands during the day and don’t have time to get back home to pump? Is your car the only private place available to pump at work? If so, you might want to consider breast pumping in the car. If you’ve never tried pumping while driving, you may be…
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4 Essential Breast Pumping Accessories
Planning to start pumping when you head back to work or school? Breast pumping can be a bit of a challenge, but with the right accessories, you can make it work! Here are four breast pumping accessories we think are essential for every pumping mom. (click on the infographic below to see it in a larger size)
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How to Get Free Diapers for a Special Needs Child
If you’re the parent of a special needs child, you know that there can be a lot of extra expenses involved in their care – everything from additional childcare to extra therapy, specialized equipment and more. However, one thing you shouldn’t have to pay for is diapers. Many kids with special needs wear diapers long after other kids do, whether…
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4 Ingredients That Make Your Breast Milk a Superfood for Your Baby
Back in the 1960s, it was fairly common for doctors to tell moms to use baby formula instead of breast milk. Their thinking was that formula was scientifically designed for infants. It was proven to provide all the calories and nutrients a baby needed. Fast-forward to today. We know that most infant formulas do, in fact, meet babies’ nutritional needs…
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Have a Parent with Incontinence? Tips for Caregivers
Being a caregiver to aging parents can be difficult under any circumstances, but when parents start to struggle with incontinence, it can become even more challenging. Not only can it be hard to physically help elderly adults change out of soiled clothes when they have an accident, but it can also be messy, smelly, and most of all, embarrassing for…
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