Are you a new mom who is planning to go back to work or school when your maternity leave is over? If so, we have to warn you: Getting everything you need to just leave your house in the morning is the equivalent of packing for a month-long trip. It’s such an ordeal you’ll probably want to take a nap once you get in the car.

If you’ve never tried it before, here’s what you’ll probably have to pack up every day before you drop your baby off at day care and head out to work or school:

  • A diaper bag with an extra change of clothes, sheets, swaddles, sleep sacks, diapers, wipes, creams, bibs, burp cloths, and a cooler full of bottles of breast milk for daycare
  • Your breast pump
  • Extra bottles and another cooler to store the milk that you pump when you’re away from home
  • Extra breast pump parts to reduce cleaning time during the day
  • Your lunch
  • Your purse, keys, wallet, cell phone etc.
  • Any materials you actually need for work or school

If you’re exhausted just looking at this list (especially if you have to take public transportation), one easy way to reduce your stress is to get two breast pumps instead of one, so you can keep one at work and one at home, and you won’t have to schlep it back and forth each day.

While you don’t actually need two breast pumps, here are some advantages to buying two:

  1. Never have to worry about forgetting your pump
    If you keep one breast pump at work or school and one at home to use at night and on the weekends, you’ll never have to worry that you’ve left home without your pump. Because trust us, missing a few pumping sessions can be extremely painful when your breasts become engorged, as well as embarrassing if you start leaking.
  2. You’ll have an extra if one breaks down
    If something ever happens to one of your pumps, such as getting milk in the tubes or the motor going out, you’ll always have a back-up, just for emergencies.
  3. It will save your sanity
    When you have a newborn, it’s important to do everything you can to simplify your life, especially since you’ll have so many new responsibilities and won’t be getting much sleep.

Tips for Getting a Second Breast Pump

Unfortunately, most insurance companies will only cover one electric breast pump per year, which means you’ll probably have to pay for a second pump.

And although it may be tempting to want to buy a used pump on Facebook Marketplace or another online site, it’s not a good idea. That’s because the motors inside the breast pumps are only designed to work effectively for one to two years at the most, and a weak motor will inevitably lead to poor suction. That results in poor milk transfer from the breast, which will lower your milk supply.

However, there are lots of ways that you can try to save money on purchasing a second new pump:

  1. Look for discounts
    Keep your eyes out for sales on breast pumps. At Neb Medical, we offer a significant discount for moms who purchase a second pump within six months of purchasing their original pump through their insurance. Right now, you can use the code THANKYOU to save 20% on a second pump at retail price through us.
  2. Get a second one covered by insurance
    Although most insurance plans only cover one breast pump per pregnancy, there are a few plans that will cover a new breast pump each calendar year. So, if you have your baby in the fall, you can order your first pump covered by insurance, and then if you don’t go back to work until after the next calendar year, you can order a second pump that is also covered by insurance. Check with your insurance company to see what their requirements are.
  3. Buy a second one using your FSA money
    If you or your spouse has a job with benefits, you most likely have access to a Flexible Spending Account, also known as an FSA. An FSA is a special, tax-free account that you can put money into to pay for medical expenses. Breast pumps are eligible for FSA spending, which means you’ll save money by not having to pay taxes on it. Typically, you can increase the amount you are contributing to your FSA when you have a major life event, such as having a baby.